Finally wrote to the Publisher; Kim answered my questions and now I've got it. It was really a simple thing. You're suppose to knit completely through the stitch below then slip off and drop the stitch above. (Neither the pattern or BW mention this "slip off and drop" part.) Usually once I find the solution to why something isn't working I feel dumb - why did I not see it for myself - but this time I feel rather annoyed. Why couldn't the pattern have mentioned the dropped stitch? Would have saved me a couple weeks of effort.
Two weeks ago while I was knitting with several friends/customers at the shop I mentioned that I wasn't pleased with my 3 needle bind-off at the back of my Mitered Sweater.

(to refresh your memory, the sweater is all garter stitch and I knit the above bind-off.)
Karen mentioned that she remembered that in doing the 3 needle bind-off that you purl knit stitches and knit purl stitches. So I went back and pulled it all out and purled the bind-off this time around. Much better!

I need to go back and tighten up the last two stitches but over all it looks better and lays flatter. I had doubts that the lumpy knit bind-off would have blocked out as nice as this looks before blocking.

October has been dye lessons in Spinning Class. We've been learning how to measure and weight so that we can reproduce our efforts. I tried at home to dilute colors and I met with so so results.
This yarn I like and will keep (BFL Superwash)

This one will be thrown back and overdyed, hopefully, with better result.

I kept diluting down Turquoise and Aztec Gold; the Turquoise dilutions didn't show much difference and the Turquoise ran into the Gold and took on an odd greenish cast.
Not sure what color(s) I'll add to try and fix it. Overdye it with green??
My third and final yarn from the Simply Socks Yarn Club arrived yesterday and it's my favorite of the three!!! Dream in Color Smooshy in Brouhaha colorway.

No idea what sock pattern I'll use but I really like this color.
It's similar in color (but not in feel) to my current sock. Spiral Eyelet Socks

This is a very enjoyable pattern to knit; each sock spirals in the opposite directions. I'm on the SSK sock which makes a left-hand spiral, the other is a K2Tog right-hand spiral. This is Paca Peds Alpaca Yarn in Fireside colorway and those are size 1 Knit Picks Harmony DPNs.
What do I think of these new needles? Well, I broke one needle on the second stitch. (I mailed back the piece I could find - couldn't find the piece that catapulted across the room, didn't know I needed to wear protective goggles to knit with them - let you know if I hear back from Knit Picks) The needles are very nice and smooth (maybe a bit too smooth, they don't grab like bamboo does) and are a pleasure to knit with... except for one tiny thing. I'm having difficulty seeing them unless I'm in very good light. Maybe it's my eyes, or the color of my yarn or any other excuse but I believe I'll stay with their wonderful metal needles - LOVE those pointy tips.
Lastly, my sock drawer is full!

Now what do I do with my handknit socks?
You send them to me! Lol I just found your blog and am really enjoying reading.
Really, you should never ask what to do with handknit socks on a blog - you know we'll find it!
Happy knitting! Shelley.
Yah! I got to partake in the sock drawer! They fit great! Thanks Cathy! ;)
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