I finished a Waving Lace Sock from Favorite Socks from Interweave. Way back in February I showed the Fleece Artist Basic Merino Sock yarn, colorway Paris and the start of these socks. I knit the first, first sock on size zero needles and it was too small - had to frog the whole thing! It's taken me this long to get back to the second First sock. There's no picture because the pattern and yarn defy my ability to capture a decent photo; I'll see if I can get The Photographer to take one while I play foot model.
The new socks are Teosinte from Anne Hanson of Knitspot.

Fleece Artist Basic Merino Sock yarn (I'm thinking this is the Rainforest colorway. I'm no better with yarn labels and names than I am with plants.) This is a fun and easy pattern to follow.
My Raverly invite arrived yesterday. I played with it a bit in the morning but I can't seem to sign-in this morning on a different computer. I've sent a message asking for password help. It looked very interesting; easy to see who else is knitting the same project. So frustrating not to be able to get back in!
Miter Thing has progressed but my brain on flu didn't seem to be able to knit a straight miter. When I started feeling better I had to rip out 10 blocks that were really wonky.

Sam was very interested in what was going on in his window seat but he hasn't got posing down. (Had to delete about a dozen cat nose and butt pictures; deleting - the best part of digital cameras.)
Karalyn in my spinning class brought in a barrell of her sock yarn leftovers for me.

This pictures is after I've taken a bunch out. Thanks Karalyn.
I read the Debbie Macomber book Back on Blosson Street
while I was ill. This was the perfect feel good story to read while you're sick. Everyone is nice, there's a good story line with knitting woven through out without being too overly complicated for a fever addled mind to follow and all the problems are solved by the end. (Not necessarily a happy-every-after saccharine ending but no hanging loose ends either.) The knitting projects throughout the book are Prayer Shawls with two patterns included; a beginners shawl and a more complicated lace shawl.
Strong Personal Opinion: The only thing I found unreal was the yarn shop. I work part-time in a local shop and we have no where the business this mythical shop does yet we have three to four times the staff that work and teach. No way only two could do that sales volume, help customers and teach; this goes way beyond poetic license into I don't know what I'm talking about.
Any one interested in this hardback copy of Back on Blosson Street? First one to write to me at tcty123ATyahooDOTcom will get it.
Ed: the book has been spoken for.
That's what's been going on here...
I'm sorry to hear you've been ill, but glad you are feeling better now.
What a nice big jar of left overs you've got. I'm going to be watching your blanket with special interest to see if anything I sent you gets in. No worries if they don't though! :-)
I love those Fleece Artist colors, wow.
Bronchitis cough, blech. I hope you are all better by next week, if only because I'm selfish and miss you!
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