The Photographer and I are headed to the Back Sheep Gathering next weekend. The Wheel and I are taking a class from Judith Mackenzie McCuin on spinning Bison, Cashmere and Yak that I'm really looking forward to.
Last fall when I went to the Southern California Handweavers Guild's Festival I bought three batts from Crosspatch Creations.

This had to be finished before the wheel left for vacation. No particular deadline but I've had other projects lap over a vacation period and I can always see a difference between the two parts. I was spinning as many hours as possible to finish this.

What to take with me on the plane and for the rest of the trip both yarn and books is always the question. I always take more than I ever have time to get to but I worry about running out. My ipod is loaded with The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. And I've been busy on Bookmooch trading books; not sure what will arrive before we leave. (Haven't heard of Bookmooch? It's a great online book trading site. You can download a toolbar button so that when you look at a book on Amazon you can click the Bookmooch button and see if anyone has a copy to trade. All it costs you is postage when you mail one of your books to someone. Each member accumulates a point for each book they send.)
As for plane knitting; I plan to take my second Teosinte sock (finished the first sock last night) The Photographer had to make a quick trip to a camera store in La Jolla early this afternoon so I walked over to Knitting in La Jolla. Such a wonderful selection Suzanne has. (And if you're looking for purse handles in San Diego this is where you Need to go!) I bought Berroco Love it Colors in the color 3291, Lucy in the Sky, to make another entrelac scarf. This should keep me busy.
I'll have to go enter this in my stash on Ravelry. My stash is too big to start entering there so I'm just going to start with new acquisitions. My Ravelry ID is CC123 if you'd like to visit.
Summer of Socks starts Thursday the 21st. I'll be on the road that day driving from Portland to Eugene so I'm hoping to post on Tuesday. And if I can remember all my passwords I'll try and update here the week we're traveling.
Have fun while I'm gone...

canna against the rosemary
The book arrived! Thank you very much for sending it along. The card was so cute too. I was gushing and my husband was shaking his head saying "you knitters are weird."
Well, I LIKE being weird. :-)
oooh, very nice crosspatch creations fiber! i love their stuff. i have two batts upstairs just waiting for me to have some free time . . .
and i'm jealous of your trip to black sheep and your class!
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